155 Apsley Street
Hudson, MA 01749

Document: School Committee Subcommittee and Other School Committee Representation

School Committee Assignments

Chairperson:  Steve Smith
Vice-Chairperson: Chris Yates
Secretary: Erica Ankstitus


  1. Budget - All Committee Members
  2. Policy - Chair: Chris Monsini, Erica Ankstitus,Steve Smith
  3. Strategic Goals - Chair: Steve Smith, Marcia Mitchell, Chris Yates
  4. Superintendent's Evaluation - Chair: Marcia Mitchell, Zach Maule, Chris Monsini
  5. Buildings and Grounds - Chair: Chris Yates,Erica Ankstitus, Zach Maule
  6. Student Advisory Committee: Chair:Erica Ankstitus, Chris Yates,Joan Melillo
Negotiation Teams:
  1. Teachers - Erica Ankstitus,Marcia Mitchell, Steve Smith
  2. Paraeducators - Chris Monsini, Chris Yates, Joan Melillo
  3. Administrative Assistants - Marcia Mitchell, Chris Monsini, Joan Melillo
  4. Custodians - Zach Maule, Steve Smith, Chris Yates
School Councils:
  1. Hudson High School - Joan Melillo
  2. Quinn Middle School - Chris Monsini
  3. Farley - Erica Ankstitus
  4. Forest Avenue - Steve Smith
  5. Mulready - Zach Maule
Other Responsibilities:
  1. Teacher Sick Bank: Steve Smith, Joan Melillo
  2. Payroll/Warrants:  Steve Smith
  3. Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) Liaison: Zach Maule
  4. English Learners Parent Advisory Council (ELPAC) Liaison:Erica Ankstitus