155 Apsley Street
Hudson, MA 01749

Purpose: To serve as a Hudson area community forum to address the topics of physical and mental health, wellness, safety and nutrition that influence student success and learning.

Forest team 2014

School Health & Safety Advisory Council

The School Health & Safety Advisory Council (SHSAC) meets four times/year to address health & safety issues that impact student learning. This group reviews policies, such as the Wellness Policy, and makes recommendations to the Hudson School Committee.

SHSAC is co-chaired by Dr. Brian Reagan, Hudson Public Schools Superintendent, and the Director of Nursing Services, Allyson O'Malley.


Model for Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
(ASCD & CDC, 2011)

"Integrating health services and programs more deeply into the day-to-day life of schools and students represents an untapped tool for raising academic achievement and improving learning"



Research & Expert Opinion

The Association Between School-Based Physical Activity, Including Physical Education, and Academic Performance
Center for Disease Control Division of Adolescent and School Health, July 2010

Laws, Regulations, Guidance

MA School Nutrition Regulations 2011

Healthy Students,Healthy Schools: Guidance (DPH & DESE, 2012)

Healthy Fundraising Ideas

Healthy Fundraising Facts