155 Apsley Street
Hudson, MA 01749

Hudson Public Schools : Philosophy of High Quality Professional Development

Hudson Public Schools agrees with the philosophy put forth by Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) on high quality professional development:                                          

“High quality professional development is a set of coherent learning experiences that is systematic, purposeful, and structured over a sustained period of time with the goal of improving educator practice and student outcomes.  It enables educators to facilitate the learning of students by acquiring and applying knowledge, skills, and abilities that address student needs and improvement goals of the district, school, and individual.” (www.doe.mass.edu/pd/)

Mission, Vision, and Core Values


To elevate student learning by advancing teachers’ abilities to meet student needs and open student horizons.


Hudson Public School staff work to continuously improve their instruction by learning alongside and from one another about student-centered practices.


Professional Development in the Hudson Public Schools includes all stakeholders building a mindset for continuous improvement.

All staff work in a collaborative environment to meet the needs of our students and hold the belief that all students can learn.  Our professional development is student-centered; working from an instructional framework where all endeavors point towards the same goal; with different lenses and strategic choices, with a specific, continuous focus. 

We work from a data driven standpoint that studies a variety of student work (outputs) and continuously adjust teaching practices that are supported by researched- based pedagogy. 

Authentic activities include professional rounds, collaboration across grade levels and disciplines, and home-grown talent developing quality professional development opportunities that provide strategic choices for all.

Our professional development opportunities build leaders with unbounded capacity that enhance student performance.