HUDSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS - Extended-Year Services - 2025
*Thursday July 3rd and Friday, July 4th is a holiday
The district provides an extension of school year special education services for students identified to demonstrate substantial regression in learning skills and/or substantial difficulty in relearning skills as indicated through data collection. Proposed ESY services are outlined on the Service Delivery page of the student’s IEP. For ESY students remain in their current grade level (2024-2025). Please note times may change due to transportation needs.
Program Services:
Hubert Preschool Program @ Mulready
Monday and Wednesday / 8:30-11:30 / July 7 – July 31
Preschool Child Development Program @ Mulready
Monday – Thursday / 8:30 – 11:30 / July 1 – August 7
Child Development Program @ Mulready (K-4)* Grade indicates 2024-2025 school year
Monday – Thursday / 8:30 – 1:30 / July 1 – August 7
Life Skills Program @ Quinn (5-7)
Monday – Thursday / 8:30 – 12:30 / July 1 – August 7
Language Based Programs @ Quinn (3-7)*
Mon-Thurs / 8:30-11:30/ July 7 - July 31
Learning Lab Program @ Quinn (8-12)
Monday – Thursday / 8:30 – 12:30 / July 7 – August 7
Tutoring Sessions - Individually Scheduled Academic Skills Services @ Mulready
*Scheduled time is determined between provider and parent
*Academic Skills Tutoring @ Quinn- Reading, Writing, Math
Mon- Thurs / 8:30 – 11:30 / July 7 – July 31
*Specialized Reading Tutoring @ Quinn- Wilson/Orton Gillingham
Monday – Thursday / 8:30 – 11:30 / July 7 – July 31
*Speech and Language Tutoring Services @ Mulready and Quinn Monday – Thursday / 8:30 – 11:30 / July 7 – July 31
*Occupational and/or Physical Therapy Services Mulready and Quinn
TBD / 8:30- 11:30 / July 7 – July 31
*HHS Academic Skills Tutoring@ Quinn – Reading, Writing, Math
Tuesday/Thursday / 8:30 – 11:30 / July 7 – July 31
The service provider who has provided instruction during the school year (i.e. OT – occupational therapist; speech – SLP; reading – reading instructor) and maintained data that indicates a likelihood of substantial regression of skills is the only person who can recommend ESY
Program Descriptions:
Hubert Preschool
Students previously enrolled engage in developmental activities that meet the goals of their IEPs. Emphasis is on maintaining communication, academic and adaptive living skills.
Preschool Child Development Program
Eligible students participating in the CDP preschool who require communication, socialization and sensory integration through the utilization of behavioral based methodologies (i.e. discrete trials, behavioral analysis) to prevent substantial regression of goals on the IEP.
Child Development Program
Eligible students are eligible for services due to an autism disability and require communication, socialization, sensory integration, academics and daily living skills through the utilization of behavioral based methodologies. A BCBA and speech/language pathologist consults to the program.
Language Based Services Program (LBS)
Designed for students with language Based learning disabilities that require consistent instructional methodology which is highly structured and focuses on oral and visual modalities to support language processing and production. Study and executive functioning skills are emphasized and students receive specialized reading, writing and math instruction geared toward their individual goals and needs. The overall goal of the language-based program is to continue to prevent regression of academic skills.
SEA and PACE - Therapeutic Learning Centers
Designed for students whose emotional and behavioral dysregulation significantly interferes with the ability to access instruction in a large group setting. Students require a systemic management system including behavioral interventions and therapeutic support in order to avoid substantial regression of social development.
Life Skills Program (Quinn)
Emphasis is to prevent regression of academics and social skills through utilization of discrete trials with the support of ABA therapists.
Learning Lab Program (HHS – Life Skills)
Emphasis is on academic, social skills training and specific skill training to avoid regression that would require the student to relearn skills upon the start of the new school year.
*Academic Services/ Related Service
Eligible students receive tutoring instruction in the areas of need (reading, writing, math) once or twice a week in small groups (by ability) and/or individually for a period of time determined by the instructor to avoid substantial regression of skill(s).
Important Information about ESY Enrollment:
*Parents/guardians of students with signed and accepted ESY services on their IEP are required to complete a Participant Enrollment Form (PEF) that they will receive via email in May. When required, a Transportation Form will be provided for completion.
**Parents/guardians of students attending ESY for academic and/or related services will receive notification from the district, upon receipt of the PEF, reminding them of the service and instruction time. They will then connect with the ESY service provider at the start of the program to schedule sessions.