BIDS/QMS Removal and Replacement of Heating Plant Boilers
The Town of Hudson School Department, the awarding authority, by its Department of Facilities Engineering, invites sealed bids from qualified, responsible contractors to provide a bid to replace one Aerco Benchmark 2.0 boiler plant at the Quinn Middle School with a replacement Aerco gas fired condensing boiler. All bidding and procurement procedures for this project shall conform to M.G.L. c. 30B and c.149 all inclusive. Sealed bids will be publicly opened at 10:00 AM on March 12, 2025. No bids will be accepted after 10:00AM. Project specifications will be available electronically by emailing Lynne Johns [email protected] or a hardcopy may be picked up at the Hudson Public School Administration Building at 155 Apsley Street after 10:00 AM on Monday, February 10, 2025. Any questions concerning the project must be received in writing no later than 12:00 PM Monday, March 3, 2025 by mail and sent to Removal and Replacement of Heating Plant Boiler, HPS Facilities Department, 155 Apsley Street, Hudson, MA 01749 or by email to Tim Goulding, Assistant Director of Facilities at [email protected]. All bidders must provide a 5% bid deposit. Should the school department determine that it is in the best interest of the town, they reserve the right to reject any or all of the bids or cancel the procurement process.
BIDS/Forest Ave Removal and Replacement of Heating Plant Boilers
The Town of Hudson School Department, the awarding authority, by its Department of Facilities Engineering, invites sealed bids from qualified, responsible contractors to provide a bid to replace the existing boiler plant at the Forest Ave. Elementary School with (2) 3.0 MBTU gas fired condensing boilers. The condensing boilers will be 3.0 MBTU units unless the size is not part of the manufacturer’s standard line and may have to be increased to the next size available, which is acceptable to the Owner. All bidding and procurement procedures for this project shall conform to M.G.L. c. 30B and c.149 all inclusive. Sealed bids will be publicly opened at 11:00 AM on March 12, 2025. No bids will be accepted after 11:00AM. Project specifications will be available electronically by emailing Lynne Johns [email protected] or a hardcopy may be picked up at the Hudson Public School Administration Building at 155 Apsley Street after 10:00 AM on Monday, February 10, 2025. Any questions concerning the project must be received in writing no later than 12:00 PM Monday, March 3, 2025 by mail and sent to Forest Ave School Removal and Replacement of Heating Plant Boilers, HPS Facilities Department, 155 Apsley Street, Hudson, MA 01749 or by email to Tim Goulding, Assistant Director of Facilities at [email protected]. All bidders must provide a 5% bid deposit. Should the school department determine that it is in the best interest of the town, they reserve the right to reject any or all of the bids or cancel the procurement process.
Note: The prevailing wage rates apply to each of these bids and would need to be provided as part of the packet. The Prevailing Wage FY25 On Call Hourly Rate document is posted in the Facilities Documents page under the Bids folder, Current Bids.