Parents and Guardians of students in grades Kindergarten through grade 12 are encouraged to request an Aspen Family/Parent accounts. To request an account, you must fill out the Aspen Request form. The link is located on the right-hand side of this web page. We will verify your information and process your account.
Your access to Aspen will allow you to review grades, assignments, and attendance information for your child. If you have a question about attendance, please contact the secretary at your child’s school. As always, if you have questions about a grade, you should contact the teacher directly.
Report cards Hudson High School and Quinn Middle School are published online. Paper copies of the report card will only be mailed out by parent request by contacting each school's main office.
- Hudson High School - 978-567-6250
- Quinn Middle School - 978-567-6210
Documentation has been posted on the district’s website for parents.
Please fill out an Incident IQ ticket if you need help with your account. Thank you